My first writing contest

This week I was sorting through some totes that have been in storage at my parents’ house. Most of it was your typical memorabilia junk that everyone hangs onto–yearbooks, medals, old birthday cards, favorite stuffed animal. One of my favorites was a story that I wrote in 6th grade and submitted to a writing contest.

I remember I was so excited to find out about this contest in a magazine, so I knew it was a real thing. I carefully wrote my story, illustrated it, and told one of my classes about this contest. I wanted my story to win so bad. I even glued the pages together so it was like a book. Mom copied it and mailed it in for me.

Just look at that cover! Obviously a masterpiece. The rest of the story and artwork is just as thrilling. vanishingmare0018

Reader’s Digest still hasn’t got back to me.  I can only presume that my story was tragically lost in transit.